
以下は math.h で定義されている算術関数の一覧です。 個々の関数の使い方を調べるには、man コマンドを使ってください。 たとえば cos() 関数の使い方は、 次のコマンドで表示されます。

% man cos[Enter]

acosinverse trigonometric function
acosfinverse trigonometric function
acoshinverse hyperbolic function
asininverse trigonometric function
asinfinverse trigonometric function
asinhinverse hyperbolic function
ataninverse trigonometric function
atanfinverse trigonometric function
atanhinverse hyperbolic function
atan2inverse trigonometric function
atan2finverse trigonometric function
cabscomplex absolute value
cabsfcomplex absolute value
cbrtcube root
ceilinteger no less than
ceilfinteger no less than
copysigncopy sign bit
costrigonometric function
cosftrigonometric function
coshhyperbolic function
coshfhyperbolic function
erferror function
erfccomplementary error function
fabsabsolute value
fabsfabsolute value
finitefloating point arithmetic
floorinteger no greater than
floorfinteger no greater than
fmodremainder function
fmodfremainder function
hypotEuclidean distance
hypotfEuclidean distance
j0bessel function
j1bessel function
jnbessel function
lgammalog gamma function
lognatural logarithm
logfnatural logarithm
logbexponent extraction
log10logarithm to base
log10flogarithm to base
powexponential x**y
powfexponential x**y
rintround to nearest integer
sintrigonometric function
sinftrigonometric function
sinhhyperbolic function
sinhfhyperbolic function
sqrtsquare root
sqrtfsquare root
tantrigonometric function
tanftrigonometric function
tanhhyperbolic function
tanhfhyperbolic function
trunctruncate to whole number
truncftruncate to whole number
y0bessel function
y1bessel function
ynbessel function