Older adults’ perceptions of digital cultural tourism in ‘Super-Aged’ nations: The case of Finland and Japan
公開日 2023年01月31日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)専任研究員であるHusna Zainal Abidin特任講師による論文が、オープンアクセス誌「Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2023」に掲載されました。
これは、1月18日~20日に南アフリカ共和国・ヨハネスブルグで開催された「ENTER23 e-Tourism Conference」のプロシーディング誌であり、Zainal Abidin特任講師はこの学会にオンラインで参加しました。
Older adults’ perceptions of digital cultural tourism in ‘Super-Aged’ nations: The case of Finland and Japan
Husna Zainal Abidin, Wakayama University, Japan
Aarni Tuomi, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Elina Moreira Kares, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science, Finland
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2023, pp361–366
(Proceedings of the ENTER 2023 eTourism Conference, January 18-20, 2023)
Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics book series
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25752-0_41
Older adults have been recognized as a key tourist segment for cultural tourism. Despite the growing population of older adults, limited research have explored their experiences and needs within digital cultural experiences. Therefore, this research note takes on an exploratory approach in understanding older adults’ perceptions towards digital cultural experiences in the context of two ‘super-aged’ nations: Finland and Japan. The findings illustrate that differences do exist, and that Finnish older adults are found to be more open to technologyuse in the context of digital cultural experiences than their Japanese counterparts. Implications for e-tourism research and management are discussed.
Cultural tourism, Digital services, Older adults, Digital divide, Hofstede