An evidence-base for reducing the CO2 emissions of national mega sports events: Application of the three-hub model to the Japan 2019 Rugby World Cup
公開日 2023年02月14日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)客員フェローである伊藤 央二准教授(中京大学)らによる共著論文が、国際学術誌「Journal of Sustainable Tourism」に掲載されました。
An evidence-base for reducing the CO2 emissions of national mega sports events: Application of the three-hub model to the Japan 2019 Rugby World Cup
Eiji Ito,School of Health and Sport Sciences, Chukyo University, Toyota, Japan / Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan
James Higham, Department of Tourism, Otago Business School, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Reducing carbon emissions has emerged as an urgent sustainable tourism challenge for the organisers of global mega sports events. This study aims to contribute to the evidence-based for sustainable mega sports events, by examining the potential reduction in CO2 emissions related to the air travel of inbound tourists between each venue and prefecture of entry (airport) using the Japan 2019 Rugby World Cup as a case study. We apply the “three-hub model” of event delivery to measure the scope for domestic transport emissions reductions if the event had been delivered under this model. Using secondary Rugby World Cup 2019 ticket purchase data, our estimations indicated that the implementation of the three-hub model would have reduced the domestic transport emissions of inbound spectators by 62.7% (14,126.9 tCO2). We propose two indices for the destination scale of analysis, namely, the numbers of transportation routes that require domestic flights (a) between each venue and prefecture of entry (airport) and (b) between venues. A lack of research on the CO2 emissions generated by mega sports events leaves much scope for the development of the evidence-base required to assist event organising committees to respond to SDG #13 Climate Action.
Mega sports events, Climate action, Evidence-base, CO2 emissions, Japan 2019 Rugby World Cup