8/29(火)17時00分~開催!CTR workshop series 2023 Session2「Archival research methods & 3-Dimensional reconstruction for heritage and cultural research」
公開日 2023年07月28日
第2回は「Archival research methods & 3-Dimensional reconstruction for heritage and cultural research」と題し、マレヤ大学のNurdiyana Zainal Abidin上級講師とマレーシア工科大学のNabilah Zainal Abidin博士研究員が、遺産と文化観光の分野におけるアーカイブ研究手法と3次元再構築技術の可能性についてお話しいたします。
CTR workshop series for students and young researchers 2023
Session 2 「Archival research methods & 3-Dimensional reconstruction for heritage and cultural research」
This workshop session aims to introduce postgraduate and early career researchers to the potential of archival research methods and 3-Dimensional reconstruction techniques. The workshop will take on an interdisciplinary approach to explore potential research methods for the field of heritage and cultural tourism. Participants will be introduced to methods utilising archival materials and also explore the emerging field of 3D reconstruction and its application in researching cultural attractions and conservation. Examples will be used to provide valuable insights into the methodologies and tools that can enhance their research in heritage and cultural tourism.
Dr. Nurdiyana Zainal Abidin(マラヤ大学 建築環境学部 上級講師)
Nurdiyana Zainal Abidin is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment, University Malaya. Nurdiyana is a trained graduate architect who has completed her Part 1 and Part 2 of the Professional Degree in Architecture from the International Islamic University Malaysia and completed her Masters and PhD from the University of Technology Malaysia. She has extensive experience using archival research methods as her PhD research on the historical Palace of Seri Menanti, Malaysia’s national heritage site. Her current research focuses on vernacular architecture and design, history and culture. Recently she has been actively expanding her research into cross-country comparison and tourism heritage.
Ms. Nabilah Zainal Abidin(マレーシア工科大学マレー世界建築環境研究センター(KALAM)博士研究員)
Nabilah Zainal Abidin is a PhD researcher at the Centre for the Study of Built Environment in the Malay World (KALAM), University of Technology Malaysia. She is currently researching the application of 3-Dimensional software in the architectural heritage of the Traditional Malays. Prior to her PhD, Nabilah completed her Masters of Science Degree in Architecture, and her Bachelors Degree in Applied Arts and Design, majoring in Industrial Design from the International Islamic University Malaysia. Nabilah has extensive experience using 3-Dimensional software to reconstruct architectural and cultural heritage.
モデレーター:Dr. Husna Zainal Abidin(和歌山大学 国際観光学研究センター 特任講師)
※定員 100名(満席になり次第受付終了となります。)
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