[Seminar] Research, lifelong sport, and travel: Exploring pathways to sustainability
公開日 2019.04.15
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As the first volume of CTR Seminar Series 2019, Dr. Tom Hinch (Distinguished University Professor of Wakayama University / Professor of University of Alberta) will present his research project on lifelong sports and sustainability. How sport tourism can contribute to sustainable development?
*No registration, no registration fee required.
CTR Seminar Series 2019 Vol.1
Research, lifelong sport, and travel: Exploring pathways to sustainability
Sport is a major attraction for tourists whether it takes the form of spectator based events, participant based events, active sport tourism or heritage sport tourism. Sustainability is a critical aspect of sport tourism attractions and the resources upon which the attraction is based. This seminar focuses on lifelong sport as a sustainable tourist attraction and its potential to contribute to sustainable development. The purposes of this seminar are: (a) to provide an overview of the expanded typology of sport tourism and lifelong sport’s position within this typology; (b) to summarize recent advances in sport tourism destinations in terms of sustainable development; and (c) to demonstrate the relevance of sport tourism across the lifespan as an agent for sustainable development in the Okinawa prefecture.
Friday, May 17, 2019
CTR Conference Room 107, Bldg. West 1, Wakayama University
(Sakaedani 930, Wakayama-city)
Dr. Tom Hinch
(Distinguished University Professor of Wakayama University / University of Alberta, Canada)
Center for Tourism Research
Wakayama University
Sakaedani 930, Wakayama-city 640-8510, JAPAN
E-mail: *Click here to the Contact page.