Carbon emission reduction and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
公開日 2022.06.17
A research article co-authored by CTR researchers, Dr. Eiji Ito (CTR Visiting Fellow; Chukyo University) and Prof. Joseph M. Cheer (CTR) has been published in an open access journal, Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights.
Carbon emission reduction and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Eiji Ito, School of Health and Sport Sciences, Chukyo University; Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University
BJames Higham, Department of Tourism, Otago Business School, University of Otago
Joseph M. Cheer, Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights
Volume 3, Issue 2, November 2022
* Indexed in Scopus
Journal details:
Climate action; CO2 emissions; Mega sports events; Sustainable events; Tokyo 2020 Olympics