[Conference presentation] Critical Tourism Studies 9
公開日 2022.08.02
The Critical Tourism Studies movement held its 9th conference at the Lazareto of Maò, Menorca from 27 June to 1 July, 2022. The conference theme was “WITH IN DANGEROUS TIMES.”
From Wakayama University, Associate Prof. Adam Doering (Faculty of Tourism/CTR) and Prof. Kumi Kato (Faculty of Tourism/CTR) delivered the opening keynote addresses.
Also, CTR researcher, Prof. Joseph M. Cheer participated as one of the facilitators in the workshop titled “Are We Speaking the Same Language? CTS outside the ‘West’.”
Other participants from CTR and Wakayama University were as follows;
Being-with Jean-Luc Nancy: Freedom, World and Intrusion in Travel and Tourism (Adam Doering)
Connecting with the Land for Regeneration: An Ecohumanities Perspective (Kumi Kato)
<Research presentations>
Indigenous Tourism and Marginalisation: Closing the Gap? (Joseph M.Cheer)
Sport, Diversity, and Japan: A Life Story Analysis of LGBTQ Surfers’ Experience In and Outside Japan (Yuzuha Nakamura & Adam Doering)
Transforming Religious Hospitality in the Pilgrimage/Tourism Context: Examining the Intersections of Mobilities, Commodification and Spiritual Labor (Yanata Kaori)
On the Marginalisation of Muslim Women in Tourism (Husna Zainal Abidin & Joseph M. Cheer)
◆Critical Tourism Studies 9 https://www.criticaltourismstudies.info/
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(Move to Faculty website) 教員の活動紹介!~Critical Tourism Studies 9 CONFERENCEにて基調講演を行いました(加藤久美教員、アダム・ドーリング教員) *Japanese only